Our services

List Amsterdam facilitates the entire loan process: from issuance to redemption and everything in between:
- Rule based (via general conditions and market rules)
- Standardised loans and loan contracts
- Standard issuance calendar
- 'Market making', i.e. at least one quote on each loan offer
- No counterparty risk=====================================>
- Upfront and continuous KYC
- Extensive authorization options
- Easy and efficient execution ('click and trade')
- ISIN-codes
- Trade tickets
- Push mails (for reminders & actions)
- Digital contracts and signatures
- Electronic loan file
- Optional end of year reconciled balance notices
- Full audit trail
- Single sign on (SSO)
- API's and downloads
- Dispersion of market information
LIST Amsterdam provides a digital loan platform that enables social housing associations to take out private loans with institutional investors as smooth as issuing government bonds.
The loans are (ultimately) guaranteed by the Dutch government (with a AAA-rating) and payments take place directly between housing associations and investors.

More information
Please (register and) log in. After you have logged in you will be able to download relevant documents and application forms via the menu.
Or contact us directly.
List Amsterdam
Koninginnegracht 10
2514AA 's-Gravenhage
+31(0)620444452 (Adriaan Hendrikse)
+31(0)65347662 (Erik Wilders)

List Amsterdam ...

... connects borrowers and lenders ...